Beyond the Boundaries : Animation // Finalising the Script

Today we had scheduled for the completion of the script, so we took the laptop and decided to work in Starbucks for a change of scenery. I actually found this really progressive, as there weren't many distractions and we were able to stay very focussed throughout.

Tom had begun writing a rough version of the script over summer, however a lot of work had to be done, especially after all the research that we've been looking at, such as how to do comedy. We started from the beginning of the rough draft and re-wrote things / added new material accordingly to how we felt they would sound and work from our imaginations of what the film looks like to us. 

We swapped the order of the timeline around a lot, to make it flow better and tried imagining how we would react to scenarios - "What would you say if you were the character?" was asked a lot!

The one thing we had to decide on, previously not discussed was a conclusion. We tried to think about what we wanted to say from the film and work further on that. I didn't really want to have a complete "animation vs animation" film, where one over ruled the other, so that played a key piece in how I wanted the ending to go.  We decided to show love for both animations. 

After four hours of writing new material, changing and swapping we finally felt we had got a script we were both happy with and proceeded to send it to a friend script - writer from film production and also our actor Lawrence for feedback. 

I actually really enjoyed writing the script today, even though I consider myself to be far from a scriptwriter. I feel like my confidence with developing ideas is getting stronger and I feel more comfortable with the process. One of the things I enjoyed most was seeing my ideas in my head actually become some sort of substance that is making sense - it's exciting when you see things starting to come together and form! I'm excited! I am very happy with the progress today and we shall be motoring on to get more done in the next couple of weeks!

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