Reflections: Screening #1

This was our first day back after Christmas, and Rosie gave us the brief for what we would be doing this semester in the reflections module: A digital film project and a series of five photographs based around the idea of memories.

Afterwards we had a screening of several short films to get us thinking about the projects.

Watching Paint Dry// Jo Ann Kaplan

I found this an interesting piece as I love fine art and thought the self portrait was done very well, focussing on her ageing self. The choppiness of the video and music means it is slightly more low tech compared to the others, but the focal point is clearly aimed more towards her motions with the paint and how it reflects against her image.

La Jetee// Chris Marker

This was probably my favourite piece from the screening and I thought the idea of telling the story through pictures and narration was very clever. Subtle diegetic sounds could be heard at times and this added a bit more depth to what was happening on screen, as of course there was a lack of moving image to depict this. However it was obvious the main focus was provided by the narrator to explain what was going on in each scene. It inspired me to start thinking more about different ways to display memories.

Blue// Derek Jarmans

This piece was hard for me to relate to, however I respect Derek Jarmans for putting it in to perspective what it was like to be in his position. It really allows the audience to see through his eyes and experience the art of story in his own unique way and I think the result is very thought provoking.

Sound on Film: Blight

I really enjoyed how this documentary started off as a bit of a puzzle and worked backwards to reveal the true meaning. It was an interesting was to mix the sound and video clips together, and at times it seemed slightly like a music video in terms of the editing etc. The also thought the ending was very effective in showing the message. 

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