Maps and Journeys - Psychogeography

What is psychogeography?

Psychogeography involves 'drifting' around urban environments, with emphasis on playfulness and new experiences, in a geographic approach. Guy Debord, a French filmmaker, writer and Marxist theorist, defined it in 1955 as 'the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organised or not, on the emotions and behaviour of individuals.' 

Mini Project 

Leah has set us a task to try our own form of psychogeography and do some research into different ways to carry it out. This could involve writing our name on a map and following the route that the name overlaps, or specifically going out in search of graffiti so as your attention is attracted to something unusual rather than traditional consumerist places or things.  I shall have to think about my own approach to the theme of maps and journeys, involving psychogeography and research into how other artist's have carried out similar works and possibly find inspiration. 

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