Time Art : Updated Idea

To make it more clear as to what will be exactly on each screen here is a brief of what I hope will occur.

  • Screen one and three will have found footage of the sources that cause Global Warming such as power plants, smoke, burning fossil fuels etc
  • At one point on these screens a hurricane made using tools of AE will come towards the screen.
  • Text will be over laid, showing facts and figures on the topics.
  • Screen two will be a steady shot of the Earth, and as it is rotating it will be seen to be deteriorating due to the effects of the other two screens. 
  • Ending of middle screen could be of the Earth exploding 
  • At the very end will reform and loop back to beginning in a fluid motion. 
I am not sure if all these ideas will definitely get transferred into the final project, as it is taking me awhile to get my head around the software, but this is the rough plan for the layout and I aim to try and get as much into the piece as possible. 

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