Reframing the Interface : Through the Medium // Building Clay (Ball and Socket Armature)

This armature was built in a similar fashion to the wire one in my previous post. Unfortunately I didn't get a lot of pictures of the process of building it, as all of my time was devoted to making it. I actually found this armature easier to build, despite it looking a lot more complicated, as no wire had to be cut to measurement etc. It was all about securing the ball and sockets to each other (using loctite adhesive. Once built, I applied the same foam onto the armature, securing with tape, to beef out the model while still maintaining flexibility and good movement. As seen in the photos, the armature only reaches to the end of the upper arm - this is because the lower arm and fingers are made using 1mm aluminium wire (in exactly the same way as my previous wire post). This is to allow adequate movement in smaller, more fiddly areas, not making the hands too big for the body. The lower arm was attached to the upper using loctite again. 

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