Maps and Journeys : Artist Research 1 (Duende Diagram // Warren Neidich)

To get a better sense of how others have interlinked the brain with their art works/ installations, I am going to be doing a series of artist research posts on different artists who have created their own interpretations of what the brain is, how it functions and how they've created art from it. As the art director of our project, I am in charge of what happens visually and how it communicates to the audience and I am hoping that by studying how others have visually displayed their work, that this will give me inspiration for our own project. 

Duende Diagram (2014) // Warren Neidich 

"Duende" is a term derived from spanish mythology referencing a fairy-like creature but in art loosely means 'having a soul.' This comes from having a heightened sense of emotion, expression and authenticity. 

Warren described this piece as "A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories of becoming a cultured brain. More specifically how noise and improvisation through their bringing about difference and variation in the cultural landscape producing other neural architectures and the possibility for alternate forms of thought."

Glossary describing each piece 

In “Glossary,” we’re given a toolkit of terminology for approaching cognitive capitalism in the 21st century: there is plenty of despair here, but the despair is in dialogue with the hope, for in the same glossary we find Neidich’s definition of “cognitive activism,” which “understands the emancipatory potential of neuroscience research, especially as it pertains to epigenesis and the brain’s neural plasticity

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