Maps and Journeys : Visual Test Indoors 1 (Frontal Lobe)

This is the (roughly) edited version of the visual test that we shot the other day. Originally we were going to leave it as almost one big cut, however after us watching it over and finding it a bit boring, I suggested adding some jump cuts to make it slightly more interesting. To help improve the next test/ final outcome, I made a list of things I liked and disliked so that next time we can work on achieving an overall better result.

Things I like
  • The POV shot - I feel it works well for the piece, showing movement but without revealing an identity so that people do not disengage with the meaning and think more about a fictional character instead. 
  • The jump cuts - I think these generally work well however these will need to be more carefully planned out on the actual shoot to make the outcome flow better in certain areas (such as entering/ exiting doors).
Things to be improved

  • The steadiness of the camera - I realise this is a difficult task to maintain an exact fluid motion with filming, as Tom has to hold the camera at an unnatural angle at my eyes, thus resulting in stress on the hands/ arms, as well as not as accurate control over movement. Hopefully this can be improved with practise and choreographing so that both of us can maintain in sync, having a better knowledge of what each other's movements will be at any specific time. 
  • The length of the each action - I feel this could be shorter, so as to not focus on one action for too long and have it drag on. 
  • The transitions between one room and the next - we need to work out where to film in order to make a fluid transition in post.

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