Maps and Journeys : Artist Research 3 (Inside My Head : A Contemporary Self - Portrait // Paula Crown)


The installation consists of two convex mirrors

Paula Crown based this piece on the fact we don't know a lot about where artistic inspiration comes from and how it works in relation to the brain. There is an endless right brained vs left brained debate and Crown wanted to show what actually occurs in all areas of the brain while making art, rather than  trying to understand how this happens. Her inspiration comes from MRI scans, actually using this method to capture the inner workings of her own brain as she performs art. This focuses on both external and internal appearance, Crown stating she wanted to allow "the record of the data to physically build the environment.' She has manipulated the imagery to show multiple points of perspective and 3D imaging. 

I really like this piece as I feel it is visually very interesting and I like the way it has been displayed/ set up in the gallery space. The two convex mirrors feel like an intersection straight through the middle of the brain to give a separate view and perspective of each side. While there is not much we can take from this for the actual artistic side of this piece, I feel it is very helpful to study and get an idea of other artists interpretation of the brain. This also inspires me to make sure that we display our installation in an appropriate way in the gallery to do it justice and gives me a sense of the importance of setting it up right.  

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