Dance : Initial Idea

Katherine reached out to me and Laura with her idea of deaf dancers and how even though they cannot hear the music, they create movements based on vibrations from the sound around them. I found this to be a very intriguing topic and it amazes me the capabilities of the human body, especially in disability. We all looked into other works and videos that included deaf dancers. Here is some of the videos I found interesting and useful.

Allison Becker

An audition for the American TV show So You Think You Can Dance. When asked the question, "How do you dance if you are hearing impaired?' Allison responded, ''s just feeling the music. It's just that the vibration helps me to keep...on beat and on rhythm.' 

It's incredible and inspiring watching her talk about her story. 

Jarrell Robinson

Another audition from So You Think You Can Dance. Jarrel says that '...the only way that I can hear the music is if you really...turn the bass on.' This reinforces the importance of vibrations - something we want to incorporate if we follow this idea. 

Physically Being Me (Six Stories from Deaf and Disabled Dancers) // Foundation for Community Dance

Interesting stories from both disabled and deaf dancers. Useful for background knowledge of the dancers. 

Sound of Silence // Deaf Can Dance

The dancers say they feel '...inspired by the vibrations,' and wish to show that 'deaf people can do anything in life.' They mention how the vibrations make their body move and how that they as a group can feel and share that together.

Thousand Hands of Buddha // My Dream Chinese Deaf Dance Team

Very beautiful piece that really shows off the capabilities of deaf dancers. The movements and synchronisation are amazing.

Beijing Chine Paralympic Games

Consisting of 320 female dancers. The amount of dancers in this is phenomenal and allowed me to see the scale of how far deaf dancing can go. Very inspirational and beautiful. I especially liked the use of lights and how flowy and gentle the dancing was.  

Mark and Emilia Villaver

Consisting of Mark and his deaf mom Emilia. It's interesting to see how have a connection through dance and how she is just as perfectly able at the dance as he is - shows the capabilities. 


I really like the idea. I think it would be nice to incorporate the emotion and stories of the deaf dances into their work, as through watching these videos and interviews you can easily see the passion, commitment and dedication these people have for dance. I think it would be nice to translate this in the piece. However I am worried that this would be not be achievable - we would need to find deaf dancers, a translator etc. We are going to look further into this idea and see if it is a possibility, as well as thinking of other ideas we might want to pursue as this is early days!

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