Dance : Tests in After Effects

Laura had begun looking at how to make it appear underwater in photoshop, so i decided to mess around briefly with After Effects with the footage we got during the first lot of tests, to get an idea of how things were beginning to shape up. This allowed us to get a clearer image of what needs to be fixed and added. 

As someone who doesn't have a lot of skill in After Effects, I got Tom to give me a reminder of the basics to get me started again and he advised on the best way to go about  starting to make it look underwater. I know Tom is very good at any effects and his advice at this stage is valuable to me, however I determined to try and do most of the effects by myself to the best of my ability for the final thing. That's part of the good thing about doing tests, as it allows me to get  a feel of the possibilities I am capable of and gives me a chance to learn more skills to apply to the final film. 

For these tests, I slowed the footage down to 1/4 of the original speed (the equivalent of 100fps). Applying Frame Blending made the slowed down footage less jerky and more fluid. I also took the footage of the bubbles and overlaid it using blending mode onto movement around the arms and upper body. Using curves made a blue-ish colour. 

There needs to be more / better lighting. I had to mask out the lighting that was in the original and I couldn't make it work / fit in properly with the rest. A light from above would work well. At one point the fan got in shot in the wide shot, which had to be masked out too. We need to be more careful with this in the final thing, but hopefully getting a stronger fan will make this easier. Overall I think the tests look okay as an initial viewing into what we're working towards and hopefully I'll improve from here. 

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