Maps and Journeys : Project Proposal

After much consideration, we decided that we were overcomplicating the project by trying to come up with an entirely new concept in relation to the brain that had a meaning. Instead we went back to the original idea to try and refine it to give more depth and meaning and progress it further. As a result, we managed to incorporate the new ideas as well, however keeping the original layout and style as the main focus. 

The final work will be a interactive installation that explores the emotional response received from the brain when an external stimuli is applied, thus mapping the senses and how they react under certain conditions. The piece, in it's entirety will consist of:  
  • A physical brain
  • A screen (TV or projector)
  • Sound sensors ( e.g. microphone)
  • Kinnect ( to track movement)
The layout of the space will probably include having the materialised brain in the centre, with a projector overhead. The screen will be placed in front of this, while the kinnect and microphone will be at the side. 

Visuals (My Role)

Within the group, my role is look development and visual ideas. This means that I have to research into what exactly will be shown, the style of what is on screen and how they interact and move around.

For this piece, the idea is to have different shapes, roughly based on the actual biological components that they are going to represent. The movement of these shapes is then dependent on the visitor's actions  in the surrounding area.  If they use a single sense, such as only sound OR only movement, the shapes will be simplistic, calmer and more fluid. If too many senses are detected, this results in 'sensory overload' - an actual condition when "one or more of the body's senses experiences over stimulation from the environment." The visuals will then be faster and more disorientating for the visitor and after awhile may even stop to give the impression that the brain is shutting down. A heat map will be activated on the physical brain in the room in relation to whichever sense has been triggered. For example if someone was to speak, the area associated with sound would be visually heat mapped. This also happens for movement and when both senses have been stimulated. 

To get a sense of style for how this will look, we took inspiration initially from Biomimesis : Hyphae as referenced in a previous post. 

We hope to get the viewer interactively engaged in the piece in a playful manner, thus letting them explore and get an insight into what actually occurs in their own bodies and the feelings associated with this. For example, if installation is over stimulated with too many senses and the piece shuts down, the visitor may feel uncomfortable or worried, similar to how someone with sensory overload may feel.


The groups aims, in association with the unit descriptor, are as follows:
  • To research themes around our idea to further develop our understanding of the concepts [Maps to A2 and A4]
  • To determine whether the choice of an interactive installation is the best to illustrate our idea [Maps to A3 and A5]
  • Research and Figure out how to technically and visually achieve and create our idea [Maps to A1]
  • To effectively time plan the project, and make sure we hit our goals before certain dates [Maps to A4]
  • Make sure our target audience, the general public, understand the base of the project by making sure the presentation is clear and engaging [Maps to A5]
Idea Generation

So far we have began looking at the book See Yourself Sensing : Redefining Human Perception by Madeline Schwatzman to get some more visual references.  To discuss and progress ideas we have arranged to meet up outside of class, such as in the library or in the SU, as well as using multiple social media platforms such as Facebook and Skype when meeting in person isn't possible and in the evenings. This is useful as if anyone suddenly thinks of a new way to further the current idea, they can immediately report back to the rest of the group for feedback. Personally, for my own inspiration for the visuals of the project, I shall be researching the look of actual biological components, through the internet and scientific books and then looking into how to stylise them in a more suitable way for the project.

Learning Agreement

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