Professional Toolkit : Studio Shoot Meeting 3 (Group A)

In this meeting, we decided on our individual roles in the group.

Thomas - Director
Julia - Producer
Rob - Cinematographer
Lucy - Production Designer
Joel - Production Design Assistant
Ulysses - Sound
Lydia - Grips
Dowan - Screenwriter
Molly - Script Superviser / Continuity
Harry - Camera
Me (Lauren) / Shahid - Assistant Directors

I personally wanted to be an assistant director as it is something I haven't done before and as someone still trying to find their place in a production team, as well as enjoying being director for my own film in Reflections last year, I thought it would be interesting to try and see if I like being AD as much as directing.

Anne also gave us some feedback, referring back to our original idea of a 'world with no art'  and whether we were still going to acknowledge this in the campaign or if it was even still relevant. She also made us reconsider certain elements, such as creating a stronger character - instead of being a middle aged slob like we had intended she suggested someone more our own age to aim more towards our own generation and the pressure to buy new things.  She also said that our idea reminded her of a piece by Richard Hamilton called 'Just what is it that makes today's homes so different?'

Just what is it that makes today's homes so different? // Richard Hamilton (1992)

The piece shows how we are constantly bombarded with new, desirable items. The dull, blank walls of the background kind of seems out of place with the bright, flashy items that are in your face. 

Updated Idea

Anne's comments made us think deeper into the style we want to take and we thought about different set designs that would be achievable and also still sustain our message. While the same story will mainly apply, set changes have been made. We all liked the idea of maintaining the plain-ness and blank-ness of the set, but maybe turning it into more of a gallery space rather than just a dull living room. There will be an infinite corridor behind where the character is seated, and along this will be plinths showcasing the characters old phones (instead of a pile like we previously suggested). This will be done in post production as it is impossible to actually carry out this effect on set, especially with our budget. The end has also changed slightly - after purchasing his new smart phone from the advert he carries the phone he used to make the purchase down the corridor and sets it on an empty plinth, thus adding it to the collection (instead of throwing it into the pile/ smiling). This solved our problem of where will we get so many phones to form a pile, prevents damage to any phones we have and adds more of a twist to the final. 

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