Professional Toolkit : DIY Workshop

This was an introduction to set building and design, led by UCA's technical tutor Jim Casey. Before being allowed to touch any machines, Jim taught us about health and safety in the workshop environment. A lot of these may seem like very simple, obvious things, but they are very important to know and carry out to make sure no one gets hurt. Some examples of the health and safety rules are:

  • Wear safety goggles and apron/ workshop coat to protect eyes and clothes from harm
  • Maintain clear floor / Tuck bags under tables so no one trips 
  • Do not run
  • Do not use a machine you have not been inducted in
  • Report damage of machines immediately
  • Wear good, strong shoes (no pumps etc)
  • Do not use phones, mp3 players etc
After this Jim went around different machines each with different functions, such as sanding or drilling, and showed us how to use them effectively and safely. We were then instructed to make a simple jigsaw piece using the equipment we'd just been shown. I found this a scary (as I'm very clumsy and constantly worried I might stab myself), but really fun exercise that tested how well we'd listened to Jim and got us used to the feeling of working the machines. The whole process reminded me of high school technology class, where I'd used similar machinery before, but not for use on sets. 

My rough final jigsaw piece 

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