Maps and Journeys : Tutorial

During our tutorial with Rosie, we discussed the following things.

What is the meaning behind our project?

The group needs to discuss what we are trying to say to the audience with the interactive piece, rather than just to make something that looks visually interesting.

How do we map the brain?

We have to think about how we are going to emphasise the brain and nervous system as a map. This could be shown by how different parts carry out different functions/ are related to different personality traits such as being creative.  How can we display this through the visuals and interaction?

What type of interaction will be involved?

We need to reign down what exactly we want the interaction to be. Will it be purely sound or movement based? Or will there be a mixture of several? Which interactions will work with the piece, yet still be achievable.

Keep it simple!

We initially planned to use several projectors and a couple of walls for the visuals, however as this is our first experience creating a piece that is interactive, we have been advised to stick to one wall. This has reminded us that we should focus this time on getting it right once before moving on to more complicated art works, and we may be able to create an overall better piece by using more simple methods.

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