Interactivity : Self Evaluation

I quite liked the end result of my game, as I was really happy with the idea and enjoyed linking it to my previous work last year! The potato famine video was definitely one of the funnest things I've made and I loved translating that fun into something different. I'm relatively happy with my progress with Unity as well and feel myself starting to understand and grasp the software each time I use it. Scripting was a hard task for me to wrap my head around but I feel like I am slowly getting there and understanding how it functions.  I found the workshops really enjoyable and fitted my style of learning - very relaxed and at your own pace, no panicking or rushing to try and keep up - and I felt this helped me learn a lot better. 

If I could go back I would like to make the game full screen, so as it didn't have black bars on either side of the playing area. I would also like to add the other farmer character, played by the one and only Joshua Sampson, as an enemy. 

I am very pleased with how the potatoes turned out that I sculpted in Maya for the game. I feel they definitely fit in well with the rest of the game and the style reflects my video very well in my opinion as it is pretty similar. 


For the amount of time we've been given to learn in I think I've done okay and am happy with my progress. Coding has begun to interest me more because it's kind of mathematical, me being a maths lover! I still find it very hard to grasp at times, but with more practise I'd like to see where I could go with it. I think it'll be fun to continue to think of other simple games to make to gain more experience with the software or even completing the other tutorials on the Unity website.

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