3D : Workshop 2

We began to create the meteors first by starting with a sphere and manipulating it so that it looked less spherical and more uneven/ random. I also did this with a cube as well, as this could be a better approach. We created subdivisions in the shapes and by choosing 'Vertex' when right clicking on the shape, I could further manipulate the shape from more angles caused by these subdivisions. 

Creating subdivisions of equal proportions

Cube with subdivisions being manipulated (textures already added when screenshot was taken)

Once I was happy with the shape of the meteors, I went to google and found some textures to over them. These are the ones I used:

These were then placed over the meteors to make them look more realistic. By using the 'checkerboard blinn', I tried my best to UV map the objects to make the texture look less stretched and flow nicely between edges. 

Checkerboard allows to see UV mapping easier

Three meteors UV mapped and textures added

By selecting object mode and highlighting the entire shape of one of the meteors I went to the UV Texture Editor found under 'Edit UVs.'

I rearranged the shape on the scale so that it was flat and clear to see which side related back to the 3D model.

I saved an image of this by going to 'Polygons' and then 'UV Snapshot.'

Saving the image

I brought the image into photoshop and put it over a layer that had the texture on it, changing the opacity so I could see both, in order to blend the two together in places that had sharp edges on the 3D model to make the object look smoother. 

This was then saved as a JPEG to bring back into Maya.

The new texture replaced the old one, and the result meant there was not as many harsh corners on the meteor.

Finalised meteors 

We were also allowed to go back and work on our spaceships from last week. Since I rushed my colour design by just adding random colours anywhere to test that it worked okay, I decided to re-do this and think more carefully about the design and co-ordination of the colours. 

The original spaceship from last weeks lesson

Painting the faces in photoshop

Slightly better updated version

Reflections of the day

I wish I could say that I'm feeling more confident with 3D modelling but I'm still panicking quite a bit and it's making me a nervous wreck! I've been finding it very hard to remember everything and it's all going so fast with so much new information. It's very frustrating trying to keep track of it all. especially when I feel like I'm trying so hard to remember and carry out everything the best I can! There was one point when I thought my spaceship hadn't saved and I felt quite miserable about it but alas it turned up in the end! I'm usually pretty good with saving etc I think the previous lesson just blew my mind too much that I couldn't cope with simple things at the end! Silly me. I enjoyed modelling the meteors more than the spaceship however, and had a bit more fun with that (probably because these were simpler haha). I'm anxious about building the enemy spaceships next week, but hopefully I can fit a bit of practise in before then or think more carefully about a better shape and improve from my terrible first one! Wish me luck please :)

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