Avid : Silent Woods (Post 1 - Opening Project and Arranging Footage)

To open and begin the project, the 'Select Project' dialogue box opens when Avid is launched. I kept the project under 'Private' as no one but me needs to access the files. 

'Select Project' dialogue box

I began by creating and organising the footage into bins, in order to have a good knowledge of where everything is and easy / quick access when trying to find a particular clip. To do this there are several ways such as selecting the 'New Bin' in the Bin Window.

'New Bin' button

This can also be done by going to File > New bin from the top menu. However the way I find myself using the most is to right click in the project window and then selecting 'New Bin.' For me this is the quickest, easiest method as it means I don't have to move the mouse to any particular area within the pane. 

I organised the footage into the following bins :

My bins as seen in the bin window

I also created a bin for the sequences that I will create, renaming it 'Silent Woods Sequences' by clicking on the bin name. There will probably be various edits to ensure that if something goes wrong in one, the others are unaffected and I will not have to begin the entire project again - all these edits will be stored here under sequences. After this I dragged the 'Untitled Sequence' provided into the bin and renamed it 'Silent Woods Rough Edit.'

Bin for sequences - so far including the rough edit I'm about to start

After this I went through all the bins in script view and added notes to tell me more about the clips as I'm editing. This should be helpful as I will be able to see more information on the clip than just the image. 

Viewing the bin in Script View

Notes on individual clips

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