Professional Toolkit : Interactivity Workshop 3

Today we began by practising some of our coding skills and created a script, that would be attached to a cube (3D object), so that with every 5 clicks by the mouse, the cube would change colour. 

I'm feeling a bit more confident with this and feel I'm getting a better understanding of how the scripts work and how to write them. 

After this we continued with developing our game by adding three point lighting. Firstly placing a "main light" which would illuminate the right hand side of the ship. This was achieved by resetting the co-ordinates of the light so that it was centred within the ship and then using a rotation to ensure the illumination was on the left. 

Rotation of light 

Then "rim" and "fill" lights were added to light the right of the ship and also from below to make the shape crisper when viewing from game mode. The colour of the light on the left hand side was changed from white to a light blue to give some definition and make it seem more apart of the game's space environment. 
Space ship with blue lighting in build mode

Space ship with blue lighting in game mode

Next we wanted to add the background (the game's space environment). Here is a list of steps taken:

  • Go to game object // 3D object // quad
  • Reset the transformation so that it is centralised 
  • Then perform a 90 degrees rotation in the x-axis so that the quad is flat to the space ship
  • In the inspector remove mesh collider by clicking the gear beside text
  • Go to the material folder
  • Right click and create new material
  • In the inspector select the texture "tile nebula"
  • Drag the material to the quad on hierarchy window
  • Scale to game view with co-ordinates (15, 30, 0)
  • Go to shader on the background inspector and click to unlit transparent (this is because we don't want the background to be affected by the lights)

The texture of the game's environment

 Finally we created a new C# script which would allow the ship to move in the horizontal and vertical directions as the appropriate arrow keys were selected.

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