Dance : Conceptualising Poem and Ideas


Here is the notes I made when going through the poem.
The Crash
First paragraph
  • Liminality - associated with ambiguity and disorientation
  • The best way to get to heaven is to take it with you“ gives me a sense of not being apart from the things you love / need to make you happy etc. So a lot of contact with things - any objects, other persons, items being in a compact space together / close proximity 
  • Focuses on little things and actions - “her hair touches my shoulder in the wind’ - reflects love and how he notices even the small things around their relationship - her and their surroundings. Pays attention to detail. 
  • Originally sort of content / happy / chilled atmosphere - singing songs.
  • Contrast between their actions and the harshness and abruptness of the lines warning about the cliff ahead

We sing along to songs our parents taught us.
"Turn ahead: Steep cliff."
Her finger is curled around my belt loop.
"Steep cliff: Pay attention.”

How to translate to dance
  • More chilled and relaxed movements with each other
  • Laura used the word intimate which I liked to describe it - focussing on them and their bond with each other - like no one else exists 
  • Playfulness stemming from the singing? Not too much but to take a bit out from that bit of the paragraph where there’s a bit of fun with each other?

Second Paragraph
  • The relation to disorientation could come into this bit as they fall - could be done with camera movement - the disorientation could be seen as the movement from reality to their heaven and the period where this transitions to heaven
  • The way the car moves ‘spins…flips…skyward’ could be represented by the camera and not so much literally
  • Giving a feeling of not knowing which way is up or down
  • The feeling of them experiencing this together - the inclusion of both of them. The use of ‘Our’ and ‘We’ emphasising this. However this paragraph is also where the man references himself ‘me’ and ‘my’ - is he stating that it’s solely his fault for going off the edge?
  • Our headlights kick into space” - at the end of this could be an abrupt stop to the chaos and transition into the floaty - stage of the next paragraphs

How to translate to dance
  • chaotic movements - if dancer is performing slower, the chaos could be shown with camera to give a contrast
  • Fast movements from dancers that contribute to disorientation - spinning etc 
  • Abrupt jittery movements

After crash
  • Suddenly very peaceful - as if nothing else matters in this moment
  • Calm and relaxing 
  • “blouse blossoms like a supernova” idea of weightlessness and a focus of the movement of clothes rather than the dancers - a kind of clothes dance? 
  • “constellations glinting in front of your eyes” - lights and reflections on the bodys of the dancers - making the female appear as if she shines? As if she is heavenly 
  • “We are astronauts coming back to earth” - The two bodes being very close to each other - aim to give a sense of being finally home - relieve 
  • “ hang upside down, dangling…and so on” - returning to the sense of disorientation with camera etc 
  • “glass is flung” - back to a bit more chaos 
  • perfect halo orbit - circular fluid movements with arms etc or could be spin around the bodies with camera
  • “I’m blinking in and out of consciousness” - fades or blurs in editing - or could pull focus on camera - disorientating?
  • “deafening silence” - calm - stillness between the two dancers - focus on faces and their attention to each other - gentle caressing 

Rest of poem
  •  have a softness about the dance - innocence through past memories? All positive memories - a glow from the couple?
  • “I will lie here forever and sing to you all the things I stopped myself from saying while we were alive.” - the sense of finally being free to be together - no restrictions - clothes and movements be very the most floaty they have 
  • “sing to you” referencing back to the singing a the beginning somehow? But not singing with no barriers attached - freedom to do whatever they like now - not bound to anything (worldly) other than each other now
  • In general in the second half a lot of references to heaven through lighting, the female, movement?

Translating to dance
  • gentle, flowy movements 
  • floating close to each other or holding each other
  • an innocence between them and their thoughts - simply wanting to be with each other and being happy with just that
  • The man carrying the woman in some sort of way - bodies touching
  • Movement through clothes and how they ripple and float in the water - could reflect bits of poem itself - still movement just a different kind and perspective on how their dancing

Dance examples
I havent really found any I'm really happy but I’m gonna continue to look after I post this...

I like the closeness between the two and the lifts and spins in this one.

 I don't really like this one for our film but at about 0.53 he carries her on his back which might be some nice imagery - the idea of him caring for her and them being reliant on each other - makes the other seem like a necessity. It seems kind of innocent or something.

Maybe at the part where the car is crashing something similar to the dance at the beginning of this 
like where hes throwing her around and every things a bit up and down (sorry I can’t describe anything) I like how close they get at some points. But yeah mainly the first like 5- 10 seconds of her being thrown around a bit to reflect the chaoticness of the crash…

Other things also considered

Target Audience
  • late teens and 20s
  • fans of Neil Hilborn (depending on final outcome of video - published as an inspiration to his poem)
  • fans of poetic stuff and it’s visual representation

  • Probably for youtube - Neil Hilborn has a fan base set on there which may be interested and many other film makers / artists that do similar stuff

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